Saturday, December 19, 2009

Beach Interval Workout

The Workout

1: Jump-Run-Jump
Draw a line in the sand. This will be your start position. Then draw another line in the sand anywhere from 2 ½ ‘ to 3 ½ ‘ from your starting line. After about 10 to 20 yards (your choice), draw two more lines in the sand (same distance apart), then after another 15 to 20 yards, draw two more lines in the sand. This will be your course for Jump-Run-Jump. Leap/Jump over the first two lines. Sprint to the middle two lines, leap over those then sprint to the last two leap/jump over those, turn and repeat, back and forth for one minute. As you get stronger, challenge yourself to go beyond the 60 seconds. Try 90 seconds or a full two minutes.

2: Suicide Drills
Using your Jump-Run-Jump course, start low with your left hand on the starting line. Sprint to the center of the course and touch one of the two centerlines with your right hand (doesn’t matter). Then back to the original starting line again. Reach down with left hand. Now sprint all the way to the end of the course reaching with your right hand once you arrive, and back to the center again, reaching with your left. The idea here is to go back and forth between shorter sprints and slightly longer sprints. Something like this…start to center, center to start, start to finish, finish to middle, middle to finish, finish to start. One minute, ninety seconds or two minutes.

3: Circle Run
Draw a large circle in the center of your course. Approximately 40 ‘ in diameter Make sure to make four corners with a stone or cone or driftwood because these are your stop, turn and go points. Also, keep in mind you will be running forwards and backwards. You will have to be creative. The pitch of the beach also added an additional challenge. You can run a full circle forwards or backwards, half or quarter. One minute to two minutes.

5: Hook & Go
This is a simple route that a wide receiver on a football team would run. From the start line, sprint 10 yards - stop and turn inward or outward (practice both) then sprint to the other end of the course. Practice looking back towards the start line at the end of your final sprint to the fictitious goal line. You can gently jog or even walk back to the start line and repeat this 3 to 5 times.

6: Defensive Back Route
In this drill you are taking on the role of covering an offensive player running a hook and go route. So this time you will be running backwards for 10 yards then turning and running to the opposite end of the course. Walk or slowly jog back and repeat 3 to 5 times.

7: Zig Zag (Out & In)
Place stones/cones or any marker that won’t twist an ankle or hurt your feet if you step on it accidentally in a zigzag pattern from one end of the course to the other. 5 to 6 markers from end to end. Play with the distance between cones. Some short, some longer.

8: Go-Stop-Turn-Go
With this drill it is best to have a partner barking commands. When they say go, you go. When they say stop, you stop. When they say turn and come back, you turn and come back. Kind of like “Simon Says” intervals. You can use the markers on the course or add new ones for start and finish points.

9: Cross Drill
This is a great routine done on a grade because it adds an additional challenge to this routine. With a stick or your foot make a giant X in the sand. Each line in the X anywhere from 20 to 30 yards. Put cones/markers at the tip of all four ends of the X. These are your finish points before you head back in to the center of the X. The center is considered your safe zone or break spot before your partner sends you off in one of four directions: sideways, forwards or backwards.

10: Box Drill
The Box Drill is similar to the cross drill. To set up your course just make straight lines from each outer corner of the X. That is your square. The corners are now your pause points in the drill. As with many of the other drills you have forward, backward and sideway options. An additional element when moving sideways is facing inward or outward in the box as you move from corner to corner.


From The DailyOM ~ Finding Balance

The Pursuit of Conscious Wholeness

Striking the right balance between our physical and spiritual aspects is one
of the most challenging aspects of existence. We are dual beings by nature,
spiritual entities bound to earth by physical bodies. In our lifetimes, we
are charged with the duty of nurturing and tending both with equal devotion
and love. Yet while both aspects of the self are deserving of honor and
respect, there is a tendency for people who are more spiritually focused to
ignore, avoid, or dismiss their bodies. Similarly, many individuals are
entirely ensconced in the carnal realm and pay no attention to the needs of
the soul. In both cases, an adjustment is in order. We are whole only to the
degree that we embrace both sides of our beings.

If the soul is the inward manifestation of our consciousness, the body is
the living, breathing expression of that consciousness. The physical self
provides the home in which the spiritual self takes root and flourishes.
Just as we must tend to the seed of the soul to ensure that it grows strong,
so, too, must we care for the protective shell that is the body to make
certain it is capable of playing its role in our development. Though there
will no doubt be times in our lives when we feel more comfortable focusing
on the spiritual self or the physical self, denying the fundamental
importance of one or the other can lead to ill health, emotional distress,
and a sense of incompleteness. Both facets of the human experience play a
vital role in our well-being.

The body and the soul are the yin and yang of our current reality. They are,
at this point of human evolution, irreparably bound together, and many
spiritual teachers agree that the body is one of the greatest vehicles
through which to access the soul. In fact, many believe that our spirit has
chosen to be embodied as an essential part of our spiritual development.
Consequently, it is the responsibility of each person on the planet to forge
a marriage between the two, so that these disparate aspects bring out the
best in each other, creating a vibrant, dynamic, and workable whole.

Friday, December 18, 2009

More Bad News

Reuters) - Cardiovascular disease and stroke will cost the United States an estimated $503.2 billion in 2010, an increase of nearly 6 percent, and many cases could have been prevented, the American Heart Association said on Thursday.


The figure includes both health care costs and lost productivity due to death and disease, according to an update published online in the journal Circulation.

The heart association says obesity and other risk factors, like too little exercise and poor diet, are fueling the expected increase in health care costs associated with heart disease and stroke.

"Current statistical data show Americans to be on average overweight, physically inactive and eating a diet that is too high in calories, sodium, fat and sugar," said Dr. Donald Lloyd-Jones, head of the American Heart Association Statistics Committee.

Lloyd-Jones, a cardiologist at Northwestern University in Chicago, said too many people do not take cholesterol-lowering medicines that could lower their risk.

"One reason it will cost us more to treat tomorrow's patients is because there will be more of them if current trends continue," Lloyd-Jones said in a statement.

According to the heart association, 59 percent of adults who responded to a 2008 national survey described themselves as physically inactive.

The report also says fewer than half of people with heart disease symptoms are receiving cholesterol-lowering drugs, like statins.

Heart disease is the No. 1 killer of men and women in the United States and in most industrialized countries. According to the World Health Organization, cardiovascular diseases and diabetes accounted for 32 percent of all deaths globally in 2005.

The heart association said the number of inpatient cardiovascular operations and procedures jumped 33 percent from 1996 to 2006, from 5.4 million to 7.2 million.

By 2020, the American Heart Association hopes to reduce U.S. deaths from cardiovascular diseases and stroke by 20 percent.

"To reach the 2020 goals, Americans must start making healthier lifestyle choices," Lloyd-Jones said.

(Editing by Maggie Fox)

Monday, December 14, 2009

Fat Planet

Studies Show Obesity Taking Hold In Africa And UK

15 Dec 2009 00:01:09 GMT
Source: Reuters
* Cheap, poor quality food driving up African obesity levels
* Second study predicts one in 10 English kids obese by 2015
* Researchers say poor and ill-educated most at risk

By Kate Kelland
LONDON, Dec 15 (Reuters) - Obesity is becoming more common among poor city dwellers in Africa because of easier access to cheap, high fat, high sugar foods, scientists said on Tuesday.
Researchers looking at data from seven African countries found the number of people overweight or obese increased by nearly 35 percent between the early 1990s and early 2000s and the rate of increase in obesity was higher among poor people.
"Given the chronic nature of most diseases associated with obesity and by extension the huge cost of treatment, the prospects look grim for the already under-funded and ill-equipped African health care systems unless urgent action is taken," said Abdhalah Ziraba, who worked on the research with the African Population and Health Research Centre in Nairobi.
The study, published in the BioMed Central Public Health journal, found that while rich people in urban areas of Africa were more likely to be overweight or obese than others, the rate of increase in obesity was higher among the poor.
The data chimes with findings from the World Health Organisation, which said in October that being overweight has now overtaken being underweight among the world's leading causes of death.
"Despite being the least urbanised continent, Africa's population is becoming increasingly urban and its cities are growing at unprecedented rates," Ziraba said in the study.
"In spite of rampant poverty in urban areas, access to cheap foods with a high content of fat and sugar is commonplace."
Obesity levels are rising across the world and threatening to overwhelm health care systems and government health budgets with the costs of handling the high number of cases of diabetes, heart disease and cancer that being overweight can cause.
The number of people with diabetes -- one of the major chronic diseases caused by excess weight -- is already reaching epidemic levels, with an estimated 180 million people suffering from it around the world.
A second study published on Tuesday focussing on the problem in England found one in 10 children there will be obese by 2015, with the poorest at far greater risk than the rich.
Researchers said the gap between the most and least well off sectors of society was set to widen, with more children from poor and less educated households caught in the obesity trap.
"If trends continue as they have been between 1995 and 2007 in 2015 the number and prevalence of obese young people is projected to increase dramatically, and these increases will affect lower social classes to a larger extent," Emmanuel Stamatakis, of the epidemiology and public health department of University College London said in the study.
Stamatakis and fellow researchers looked at obesity trends in England from 1995 to 2007 in children and young people and then predicted obesity levels in 2015.
Obesity among all boys aged 2 to 10 in 2015 was forecast at 10.1 percent, but the worse case scenario could see a prevalence of 13.5 percent. Among girls the figures were 8.9 percent and 9.3 percent respectively, the researchers said in their study in the Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health.
For comparison, in the United States, which has a severe obesity problem, more than 26 percent of Americans are obese and nearly a third rated as overweight. (Editing by Matthew Jones)

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Calling all Military Personnel!

I'm DC bound to train elected officials and lead a monster class at Andrews Air Force Base. I want a handful of before and after photos from members of the U.S. Military. I need them to convince Washington that P90X keeps people in uniform fit and ready. I'm also trying to convince the DOD to distribute P90X as Standard Issue for all military personnel. Send those photos ASAP!

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Thank You

As Thanksgiving Day comes to a close I think a lot about all the people in this country and beyond who have made a commitment to change for the better. Change is hard. It requires letting go of the past and of the habits you've grown accustomed to over the years. Staying in a rut is easy. Getting out of one requires work. Life is hard enough for most folks and adding food discipline and 6 days a week of hard core exercise is a massive commitment. It's hard for me and I do it for a living. Some are getting up before the crack of dawn to do Plyometrics, followed by feeding a family then heading to work. This is incredible to me. It goes to show you that the feeling you get from doing the right thing is worth the effort.

I wanted to take a moment on this Thanksgiving day to thank you all for choosing perseverance over laziness, discipline over impatience, self-reliance over self-pity and hard work over quick fixes. The road is often bumpy and the journey long, but the outcome from commitment and dedication is life altering. If you're one of these people then don't let the holidays become a time to put your hard earned results on hold. People will often use this time between Thanksgiving and New Year's Eve to ease up on healthy eating and regular exercise because they think they've earned a little time off. Why would you throw in the towel after you've won the fight? I don't get that at all. When life is hardest you must narrow your focus and keep going. Let people who don't know better start again on New Year's Day.
Not you!

Thank you,

Tony Horton

Wednesday, September 02, 2009

Vulcan Robot Yoga

Last Saturday I found myself in a very bad way. I've been having some repair work done on my house to fix sketchy construction by the original builder. The problem is, my beautiful home leaked like an old fishing boat. A company repaired this issue 3 years ago, but this past winter, water found it's way back in. Nothing like spending thousands of dollars on something that didn't work. This time around I was going to get the best guy in the city. Turns out the water proofer was a rock star (the place is as tight as a drum) but the construction company hired to put the place back together again was pathetic. Shoddy work, lame sub contractors, overcharging me at every turn, and turning a 3 month job into 8. This project has been the bane of my existence... again!

Last Saturday the frustration cup runneth over. After endless delays and screw-ups I exploded all over the owner of this construction company. I haven't been that angry or yelled that loud in 20 years. In that moment I understood crimes of passion. Luckily my outburst was over the phone, because if this guy had been standing in front of me, I surely would have driven my fist through his brain. Even as I write this I feel my cortisol levels rise. Anger IS one letter short of danger. When I hung up (slammed down) the phone after my verbal combustion, I was shaking. The other thing I couldn't shake was this toxic feeling I had coursing throughout my entire body. In that moment I completely understood how anger can make you sick.

This hate outburst occurred at approximately 3:15 last Saturday afternoon and I was planning to go to my yoga class at 4:00 PM. If my friends Brain and Shawna hadn't joining me I would have certainly blown it off. Yoga was the very last thing I wanted to do after that confrontation. Hitting a heavy bag for an hour seemed like the only logical release for what I was suffering from. The verbal shrapnel was still flying on our way to yoga and prior to class the heat coming off of me was so intense that the girl next to me got up and moved to the back of the room. I'm not kidding. I was about to turn a simple sweet Hatha Yoga class into Kill And Destroy Yoga.

For the first 45 minutes of class every pose, every asana was executed like a Vulcan Robot. Perfect emotionless linear intensity. I didn't even break a sweat for the first 45 minutes. Between minute 45 and 50 everything changed. The anger was gone and the sweat started pouring out of me in buckets. The first thing I did after class was call the guy (I screamed at) and apologize. Even with the wrong intentions the physical movements of yoga helped me find balance again. I was transformed. A miraculous thing really. It's possible that any physical movement could have helped me, but it was Vulcan Robot Yoga that made everything right again.

Monday, August 31, 2009

Thanks Ryan

While I was away last week I received a letter and check in the mail from a Mr. Ryan Windeler from Ontario Canada. Ryan wrote about how excited he is that P90X got him in the best shape of his life at the age 37. He also wrote that P90X is becoming as popular as hockey up in Canada.

The second half of the letter was an apology for pirating his copy of P90X off the Internet. He writes, "I can't in good conscience continue to push play knowing that I didn't come by my P90X discs honestly. Honor is a man's gift to himself and today I hope to restore a little of mine by enclosing a money order to you in the amount of USD $120.00." He concludes by saying, "I wanted you to know that P90X has the power to transform more than just a person's body."

I was floored by this letter and check. I know sometimes we might buy movies or workout DVDs that aren't originals (manufactured by the companies that worked hard to create, market and distribute them) and think, "What's the big deal?" The "big deal" is that purchasing these products can and have ruined the legitimate companies that make them. When you buy counterfeit and/or pirated copies of anything you're doing much more than chipping away at a company's profit margin.

First of all you're stealing. You're also hurting a company's ability to develop new products, spend money on media to advertise, preventing companies from hiring new people, and forcing companies to cut corners (that hurts you) to make up for the loses.

Ryan Windeler is a hero because he admitted doing wrong and apologized for it. Sending the check was just a bonus.

Thank You Ryan

Monday, August 17, 2009

Upper Body Belly

Here's another 10 minute workout premiered at the IDEA Conference.

1. Swimmer Push-ups
2. Tick Tock Lift
3. Chataranga Hold
4. Banana Boat
5. Two Dog Push-ups
6. Twist Bike
7. Sphinx Plank Push-ups
8. The Phelan Twist
9. Warrior Plank
10. Side Arm Crunch

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Legs Of Gold II ~ A Ten Minute Workout

Boys and girls,

As promised here is the first of four workouts from the IDEA Fitness Conference

1. Three Squats ~ Wide, shoulder width and feet together ~ 20 seconds each
2. Screamer Lunges ~ 30 seconds each leg
3. Flying Frog Squats ~ Spin 180º back and forth for 1 minute
4. Moon Lunges ~ Right to left slowly and controlled for 1 minute
5. Hop Squat Run ~ 4 hop squats forward - knees up run back to starting position - 1 minute
6. Lateral Leap ~ Jump side to side on one leg for 1 minute
7. Fighter Squats ~ Squat in fighter stance for 5 reps left then right - back and forth - 1 minute
8. Crescent Chair ~ Chair pose to crescent pose - right leg then left for 1 minute
9. Fighter Spin Squats ~ Squat and spin front to back in fighter stance - :30 right :30 left
10. Three Speed Lunges ~ Step - Skip - Plyo ~ 20 seconds each

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

It's You!

It's not your mother or your father. Not your sister or your brother. It's not your God or your Government. It's not the high school bully or your eighth grade home room teacher. It's not your therapist or your wife or your boyfriend. It's not luck or even circumstance. It's not your height, weight or age that makes life great, or not. It's You! It's you that makes you happy or sad. It's you that makes you smart or stupid. It's you that eats right or not. It's you that chooses to exercise or to sit on your ass. It's you who puts the cigarette in your mouth. It's you that yells at your 3 year old daughter. It's you that doesn't have patience when you need it. Your parents created you, but it's you that decides to make something of yourself. Point the finger in the mirror because that image before you is the only creature on earth that can guarantee happiness, fitness, health, love, joy, purpose and a state of well being. Hoping and wishing that everyone and everything else is going to bring you a better life is a farce and a fantasy.

When you learn how to rely on yourself, you discover that it's not really about you anyway. When you finally stop relying on others for your happiness and blaming them when it doesn't happen you'll see life for what it really is. A community where we help each other. The transition from "me and my problems" to "how can I help." is easier for some than others, but it needs to happen if you want a full and happy life. You have to get your act together because important people in your life need you. They need you to be thoughtful and trustworthy. They want you to listen and NOT give advice unless they ask. They hope you'll be patient, caring and understanding. If you pull this off you'll also learn than perfect strangers are willing to listen to you, because you'll have something they want. You'll have the formula for a good life. A happy life. A healthy life. You will no longer need to rely on others for your happiness because your happiness will come from helping others.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Holding On And Letting Go

Look at your life and ask why you're holding on to things that don't make your life better. Now ask yourself if you have the strength to let go of these things. I see in my own life how I keep things around that no longer serve me. Even simple things like the clutter of paper and old useless junk in drawers, closets and on shelves. It's hard to abandon safe, old, familiar objects, philosophies and people in our lives. This would require letting go of the things that make up who you are; even if who you are isn't who you want to be. Most of us are two people at once. The person living in this moment and the person planning, rehearsing and preparing for the future. The person that was, is dead. No need for discussion about that person here. You have right now and the days, weeks, months and years (if you're lucky) in front of you. The person you are right now often becomes unhappy when the plan for the future doesn't come to fruition. Quite often our hopes and dreams are dashed because we couldn't let go of the things that are holding us back.

There are two things that make change hard. Letting go of familiar and safe behaviors (that don't work) and adapting (sticking with) new unfamiliar more difficult activities to create change and a better life. You can't hold on and let go at the same time. You can't do P90X and eat junk food. You can't workout in the morning and get drunk after work. Tip-toeing your way to dramatic change can work for some people but my belief is that sometimes you need to clean house completely to prepare yourself for life altering, long term change. This doesn't mean you still can't take small steps when it comes to letting go. I'm not promoting that a 350 lbs person with no fitness background jump into P90X. I am saying that a person like that needs to STOP doing nothing and start finding fit people to hang out with and talk to. If you went around your house right now and threw out and gave away all the crap that's been sitting in your house for years, you'd feel phenomenal.

Letting go of the junk you've been holding on to requires finding a more powerful replacement. In your heart you need to trust that the simple act of releasing tired old worthless behaviors is going to bring about a better life. Why is it that when 100 people all get the same life altering information, only a small percentage of those people run with it? It's because the majority of those people can't let go of the people and belief systems that keep them right where they are. Life is frightfully short and I'd hate to see anyone miss out on the incredible opportunities available to all of us. We're all capable. We're all deserving. After reading this write down all the things in your life that aren't working. Then make a list of the things you plan on doing to make your life better. Is it a letter, an e-mail, a phone call or another TO-DO list? Be proactive not inactive! Let go and get going.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Looking Good Isn't Good Enough

I've been sitting on this title for weeks and I've been having the toughest time trying to figure how I want to approach this topic. I like to focus on tangible ideas that help me live the lifestyle I preach about. I was in Atlanta last week at a Team BeachBody event talking about the effects of fitness and clean eating on the body and brain. My mantra is based in the belief that if you exercise today you get fitter today. If you exercise and eat whole foods today, your health improves today. If you exercise today the quality of your lives improves today because the area inside the temporal lobe of the brain releases proteins and chemicals that make you happy, confident and productive. And last but not least is the effect of exercise on your body's ability to fight disease and injuries. All these amazing things will (not might) occur the same day you choose to exercise. Wow! So good!

What makes me crazy is that most people on this planet are so hung up on their looks. I'm one of them. Who am I kidding right? I'll show off my biceps and 6-pack at the opening of a letter. It feels good to look good. I understand this as well anyone. The problem lies in the thought that changing your looks is going to make your life better or more manageable somehow. Or that thinking a better body in the future is a sustainable motivator right now. Wanting to look good is great. Thinking that looking good is the end all be all holy grail is disastrous. If looking good is your first priority then it's probably also true that you live your life for others. It means that you care more about what others think of you, than what you think of yourself. This typically results in behavior that is contrary to consistent healthy living. Weight loss thru diets, diet pills, starving yourself before events like weddings and reunions, living and dying for the numbers on your scale all reflect the vicious cycle created by the look-at-me world we live in.

I think our egos can coexist with a more important and powerful energy that can give us purpose on this planet. This energy is the desire to be better. To be stronger, healthier, smarter, more patient and more productive. It's the desire to figure out what you're fighting for. What are YOU fighting for? Is it shapelier calves or to enter and finish your first 10K? Is priority 1 to lose the belly or to do 40 perfect push-ups? Is it looking good in a red dress at a wedding in front of a bunch of people who care too much about what they look like in front of you? BORING! I'm more impressed with the fit girl who can do splits on the dance floor. Success comes from a very gentle shift in priorities. From look-like to can-do. For some this shift is as simple as an on-off switch. For others it will be like cracking a safe. If you find that life has been filled with too many ups and downs then it might be time to make the shift. Constant focus on looking good will only disappoint you. Discover that fighting to be better, brings thrills and chills you never thought imaginable.

Tuesday, June 09, 2009

Who Are You?

Do you ever find yourself checking to make sure that you do something that will gain you approval from someone else? You might be very careful to say something a certain way so the listener doesn't think you're odd or weird in any way. Ever notice that your clothing looks a lot like the clothing of the people you're hanging out with. Maybe everyone around you is using words like "like" and "bro" every 5th word and therefore you do it too. Because the last thing we want to do, is stick out. To dress, speak, think or behave differently than your friends, family and co-workers could get you in trouble. And worst of all it could leave you open to ridicule. No one likes to have their differences pointed out in front of others. This might have mattered in junior high school, but once you grow up, being different is how you stand out. Standing out is how you break out of the sameness that is keeping you from loving life.

When everything around you says to stay the same, to fit in, it's hard to break out of the ho-hum, humdrum world you find yourself in. Everything you want comes from asking yourself what you want, not the drag-ass people in your life who want you to be like them. Your journey should be as unique as your DNA. Your choices, actions and words need come from deep inside. What is your gut and mind telling you? If outside influences feel wrong then they probably are. And by the way, what you want and who you are requires working your butt off. Choosing to sit on your ass because your gut tells you to is a lie. Study, practice, effort, time and patience are all part of an authentic journey. It's you doing, that allows you to be you. Sometimes just the thought of all that will make you feel like you're hanging in the wind, but most often it will give you the strength to feel like you control your destiny.

When you're living for others and just surviving, the weight of the world sits on you like a two ton truck. When you choose to stand up and stand out, and be the person you were meant to be, the world is a playground filled with adventure and possibilities. Open the door, look around, step inside and go play. If you're choosing the journey based on your desires to be unique and happy, life never feels like work. It feels spectacular and glorious! Why wouldn't you deserve that? You do. We all do. The first steps to getting there requires your desire to change. Your reasons why and plan need to be written down. Change only happens when you're in the game every day. Turn off the tube, pick up a book, do the workout, hang out with creative, smart hard working people and ask plenty of questions along the way.

Sunday, April 05, 2009

Esthetic Technical Line

I was skiing in Jackson Hole Wyoming this past week, which I believe to be one of the most spectacular mountains in North America. I ski Aspen, Whistler/Blackhome, Alta, Snowbird, Mammoth, Squaw Valley, Targhee, Crested Butte and others but there's something truly special about Jackson Hole. Jackson is also one of the most difficult mountains I have ever skied. There are more double black diamond runs on that hill than anywhere. This mountain will eat you alive. If you're looking for steep, narrow runs with plenty of tight trees and cliff bands then Jackson Hole is the place for you.

Every time I go to Jackson I meet up with my dear friend Steve Holmsen. Steve is a super fit life-eater who loves skiing, mountain biking, rock climbing, mountaineering and anything else that involves the great outdoors. He was my "Steep & Deep" ski instructor 4 seasons ago and we've remained friends ever since. Steve is also my workout partner while I'm at the resort. Our workouts are crazy intense and mildly competitive, in a good way. We just love to push each other. Every one of our workouts are done on the fly. Never a preset routine. We'll pick 2 or 3 body parts and see if we can destroy the other guy. Pushing hard and flying by the seat of our pants, just like on the hill.

These routines always involve plenty of balance and stabilization exercises. All the leg work, core exercises and much of the upper body exercises are done on a stability ball, Bosu Ball™ or basket ball. These routines/exercises prep the body for the ever changing terrain at Jackson Hole. You're not just sitting down doing biceps curls, you're standing on one leg (on the flat side of a Bosu Ball™) doing biceps curls, followed by swimmer's presses. Talk about Synergistic exercises. Holy crap! When Steve introduced me to this stuff it was like starting all over again.

I love technique based exercises anyway (yoga, plyo, kenpo, gymnastics, etc.) but balance/stability work brings in a whole new, very powerful dimension. It forces all your core muscles, connective tissue, ligaments, tendons and many (formally untapped) tiny muscles in the body to get involved during every single repetition. There is plenty of "Muscle Confusion" during these workouts. Lateral leaping plyometric push-ups off of a basketball or one-legged squats on the backside of a Bosu Ball™ changes the game completely. If your body isn't ready for this stuff or your technique is off, you will get hurt.

When I'm on the mountain with Steve he loves to ski what he calls "Esthetic Technical Lines." This kind of skiing usually involves a very precise specific path down a ski run. These type of runs are not for the unskilled casual skier. They are usually steep, narrow chutes peppered with trees and rocks. They require a plan and an attitude before entering them. One mistake can result in a twisted knee, broken bones, a concussion or worse. This kind of skiing might seem insane to some. To me skiing this way is a metaphor for life. The hard work done in the gym the day before prepares you to ski an esthetic technical line. The time and energy you put into your work, family and fitness will also determine how much joy, happiness and success you'll have in this life.

I don't mean to turn a story about exercises and skiing into an esoteric lesson for life but I do want to point out that we all have multiple options when it comes to our journey on this earth. I know for myself that when I choose to take positive steps toward conquering difficult, scary and compelling challenges, I end up learning things that change me forever. I'm not talking about taking silly dangerous risks with the hope of a positive outcome. I'm also positive that hoping, wishing and just wanting something rarely produces anything. I do know that small steps, practice, hard work, asking for help, falling down once in a while, plus a healthy dose of determination will help you find your way down that esthetic technical line.

Friday, March 20, 2009

Food. It's that thing that's killing you, slowly.

Fitness won't solve your problems. Getting free of your food addictions will. When it came to healthy living, exercise for regular people is relatively new. The average Joe and Joanne didn't really start exercising until the 50s and 60s. Guys like Joe Weider and Jack LaLaine started the revolution after WWII and it's been growing (too slowly) ever since. As the obesity trends began to rise in the 70s, jogging and nautilus became more popular. During this time various companies were selling goofy ways to lose weight. For some reason we quickly forgot that eating whole foods was the key to maintaining our weight. As food became more processed over the the past few decades we used other processed foods to help us lose weight. It was (and still is) a vicious cycle of addiction. The gain, lose, gain epidemic continues. I read a funny blurb the other day which clearly and plainly stated that if you avoided food with mascots you'll lose weight. Goodbye Count Chocula! Our grandparents didn't have gym memberships, spinning classes and fitness DVDs. They ate healthy whole foods and spent four times more time outside than we do. If your grandparents were obese it was a novelty for sure. Our behavior and habits put food-porn companies in business and we also have the power to destroy them by not eating their poison.

You control what goes in your mouth, no one else. Find ways to make healthy whole food taste good and eat it. Period!

With Love and compassion,

Tony Horton

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Kombucha ~ My new favorite beverage

What's in Kombucha and how do these ingredients support health?
Kombucha culture has a wide range of organic acids, probiotics, acids and
enzymes that give it its extraordinary value. Here's a brief look at the
benefits of each:

Beneficial Probiotics - Due to the prolific presence of pesticides,
antibiotics, and preservatives, the beneficial micro-organisms present in
our bodies are being destroyed and killed off on a regular basis. These
friendly microbes play a huge role in our digestive and immune systems.
Therefore, it is crucial that they are replenished from natural sources like
kefir, yogurt, and Kombucha. Our beverages contain Lactobacillus Bacterium
and S. Boulardii, which can help support a healthy digestive and immune

Live Active Enzymes - Active Enzymes are generally only found in foods
that have not been cooked, processed, or refined. They are like the “spark
plugs” for the body's cells because they put "life" back in our bodies. If
you think about it, the body is a living thing; why would you feed it
something that is dead?

Polyphenols - These are antioxidants that fight off the free-radicals
that stress the body and compromise its youth and health.

Organic Acids
These nutrients can help promote tissue and blood alkalinity and help
normalize the natural process of homeostasis throughout the body.
# Lactic acid helps maintain healthy digestive action (through the
probiotic lactobacilli) and for energy production by the liver
# Acetic acid is an antiseptic and inhibitor of pathogenic bacteria.
# Glucuronic acid, normally produced by a healthy liver, is a powerful
detoxifier and can readily be converted into glucosamines, the foundation of
our skeletal system.
# Usnic acid has selective antibiotic qualities which can partly
deactivate viruses.
# Oxalic acid encourages the intercellular production of energy, and is a
# Malic acid also helps the liver to detoxify.
# Butyric acid protects human cellular membranes, and combined with
Gluconic acid strengthens the walls of the gut in order to combat yeast
infections such as Candida.
# Nucleic acids, like RNA and DNA, transmit information to the cells on
how to perform correctly and regenerate.

Kombucha ~ My new favorite beverage

What's in Kombucha and how do these ingredients support health?

Kombucha culture has a wide range of organic acids, probiotics, acids and
enzymes that give it its extraordinary value. Here's a brief look at the
benefits of each:

Beneficial Probiotics - Due to the prolific presence of pesticides,
antibiotics, and preservatives, the beneficial micro-organisms present in
our bodies are being destroyed and killed off on a regular basis. These
friendly microbes play a huge role in our digestive and immune systems.
Therefore, it is crucial that they are replenished from natural sources like
kefir, yogurt, and Kombucha. Our beverages contain Lactobacillus Bacterium
and S. Boulardii, which can help support a healthy digestive and immune

Live Active Enzymes - Active Enzymes are generally only found in foods
that have not been cooked, processed, or refined. They are like the “spark
plugs” for the body's cells because they put "life" back in our bodies. If
you think about it, the body is a living thing; why would you feed it
something that is dead?

Polyphenols - These are antioxidants that fight off the free-radicals
that stress the body and compromise its youth and health.

Organic Acids
These nutrients can help promote tissue and blood alkalinity and help
normalize the natural process of homeostasis throughout the body.
# Lactic acid helps maintain healthy digestive action (through the
probiotic lactobacilli) and for energy production by the liver
# Acetic acid is an antiseptic and inhibitor of pathogenic bacteria.
# Glucuronic acid, normally produced by a healthy liver, is a powerful
detoxifier and can readily be converted into glucosamines, the foundation of
our skeletal system.
# Usnic acid has selective antibiotic qualities which can partly
deactivate viruses.
# Oxalic acid encourages the intercellular production of energy, and is a
# Malic acid also helps the liver to detoxify.
# Butyric acid protects human cellular membranes, and combined with
Gluconic acid strengthens the walls of the gut in order to combat yeast
infections such as Candida.
# Nucleic acids, like RNA and DNA, transmit information to the cells on
how to perform correctly and regenerate.

Friday, March 06, 2009

Good News

So I'm watching the News with Brian Williams last night and at the end of the broadcast Mr. Williams mentions that with all the bad news lately the NBC Nightly News is looking for more Good News stories. There are tens thousands of good news stories in facebook and here in the BeachBody message boards, so I think it's time we all team up and let Brain and the rest of the country know what's going on. Go to the link below and tell your good news story. Collectively we can help more people get fit and healthy and certainly make a dent in the bad news.

Please copy and paste this note and spread the good news!



Wednesday, March 04, 2009

Here's The Thing

Life with exercise creates a completely different journey than a life without it. Making the time for exercise means that you're setting an intension to have a great life. Life without exercise means you're setting an intension to miss out on a better life. The quality of your life improves with exercise and it will get worse without it. Period! Your weight lose is a minute piece to the overall health and fitness puzzle. Every time you exercise you improve your fitness, healthy and quality of life. You always feel good afterward and you allow your mind and body to become less vulnerable to illness and injury. Every day you decide NOT to exercise your health, fitness and quality of life diminishes. You become more vulnerable to illness and injury and the energy and enthusiasm (feeling good) for a better life is not there. This is true for everyone. No exceptions.

Make a plan, stick to the plan and do it... forever!

Tuesday, March 03, 2009

Jackson Report by John Nicolich

As we raced down the mountain for the umpteenth time, I couldn’t help but think "How did I wind up skiing behind this pregnant woman on a day like today." As usual the tale is a meandering one filled with glorious joy, wrenching heartache, noble struggle, and ultimately redemption.

This trip started with the simplest of plans and seemingly the most accommodating logistics. Tony was set up in palatial digs for three weeks in February at the Terra Hotel with enough room for all of us. We merely had to pick a week and go. Alas, complications quickly arose. Steve was just returning from a family vacation, which required him to drop off the wife and kids in New York and head back for the mountains overnight. Stan was wrapping up the new Windows program with deadlines galore and frequent fires that required his immediate attention. My time was limited by Barb’s every-other-week work schedule, which included only one week off during the 3-week window of opportunity. We all struggled through and committed to the plan with dreams of last year’s epic trip still fresh in our heads.

Steve arrived first, fresh off his trip to Vail and feeling good. I surprised them by arriving that same night (a day earlier than expected), so that no one would poach my lines. Stan was deathly sick with fever, but hoped to join us within a day or two. Things were promising; the forecast called for 6-12 inches overnight with another foot expected the following day. The atmosphere was electric with anticipation.

The next morning brought heavy snowfall with minor accumulation over the previous night. Steve and I bought our four-day tickets knowing that this trip would be something special. Steve, Tony, Paul and I raced up the hill anxious to get the goods and anticipating great things with the oncoming snowfall. The electric high of this moment was soon extinguished by the warming temperatures, and later completely harshed-on by the rain that started by the early afternoon. Still, there was reason for hope, it was still snowing at the top and we could reasonably expect it to snow hard overnight with cooler temps.

The next morning did bring 3-4 inches of snow, but the weather was still quite warm. Tony decided to stay in and work; Steve, Paul and I hoped for the best as we headed out into the 40-degree weather. Unsurprisingly, the mountain was not crowded. Very surprisingly, we found fresh creamy snow on the Moran face and raced laps there throughout the morning. On one run Steve and I nearly collided, so we stopped and gathered ourselves. I watched carefully as Steve headed left, waited a few seconds, then I headed right, into the dense trees. The snow was buttery smooth, predictable, and easy to control. I quickly gathered speed darting between trees, absorbing terrain, and flying over shallow obstacles. I picked a tight space between large trees, and aired gracefully off the top of a bump, pointing my tips in for a soft landing. Suddenly, a blue streak appeared in my periphery, sending a jolt into my rhythm. I blurted some deep guttural emanation as I realized the hopelessness of this situation. I wish I could report that it all happened in slow motion, but in reality, it all happened so fast, only bits and pieces are clear. My right ski hit Steve in the forearm/elbow area as he raised his arm for protection. It hit with enough force to rip the ski off my boot as I flew helplessly behind him. I lay there stunned for a few seconds gathering my wits, than raced up to see if I had killed him. Steve too was stunned and bruised though not seriously hurt. Paul apparently witnessed the thing and filled in details. A scary moment to be sure, but we all skied away unscathed. Surely, this near miss would be the worst of it.

We continued skiing; finding some soft snow off Thunder, but high winds and fog curbed the joy and enthusiasm. We forged on till the end, however, and had a satisfying if not thrilling day. Steve checked the weather and found the forecast called for no snow and continued warm temps for the rest of the week. By all appearances we had been skunked again. Stan was still sick, and we advised him of the current conditions, wondering if he would be coming at all. Steve was further burdened by troubles at home, and he decided to leave early the next morning, disregarding the bad karma that comes with early withdrawal. As each of us in the group has discovered, if you leave early, the gods will make you pay and reward your friends. Still, family matters must come first, though the consequences can be brutal.

Sure enough, the pagan snow gods decided to torture our comrade in arms. On Wednesday, it snowed consistently all morning and Tony and I explored the hill finding nice soft spots under mild temperatures and modest winds. In the afternoon, we went into the top of Northwoods, a steep, tight and very soft entry into the North Hobacks. I watched as Tony dropped into an opening, then suddenly went flying by me. He must have caught an edge and been pitched forwards. As he passed in front of me, he was flying headfirst in a horizontal position towards a 30-inch diameter tree, at a high rate of speed. With an instantaneous jolt he came to a stop, wrapped around the giant with his chest and arms on one side and legs draped around the other. I thought he was surely dead and wondered how I would pack him out of these dense woods. I quickly made my way over to the abdominal snowman and found that instead of groaning in agony, he was laughing. We inspected the tree and found sharp branches just above the point of impact. One word people – P90X. The man of steel quickly got upright and we shredded the rest of the hill without incident. Twice now we had avoided serious injury in our group after incredible crashes.

The next day we joined Steve Holmsen, JH instructor extrordinaire. It snowed hard all day, filling in the ruts, smoothing the bumps, and bonding with the death crust below. As the day wore on, the conditions got better and better. We regrouped after lunch and joined Rob and Kit Deslauriers for a few runs as the snowfall grew heavier. We followed them around the hill and explored areas we had never been to before. We skied hard until the lifts were shutting down. By the last few runs the conditions were epic. The underlying crust and bumps had been eliminated and the entire mountain was a fresh slate. On our last run, we headed down Pepi’s, an area that had been practically unskiable due to its southern aspect. We ventured in tentatively, but after three turns opened it up. I heard Tony hooting behind me as we blazed through the boot deep powder. Steve H was a great guide and he led us the rest of the way home. The forecast called for another 6-inches overnight and the next day was looking to be huge. We devised a plan where we would hire Steve as our instructor for the day to gain preferred lift privileges. We also were able to secure a tram box before the official lift opening. My only thoughts were that tomorrow could be really big.

We woke early on Friday and our group was like a Who’s Who of the mountaineering world. The resumes were impressive. In addition, to Rob and Kit, two of the best skiers on the planet, Jimmy Chin, the extraordinary photographer and mountaineer who accompanied Kit and Rob on Mt. Everest, would join us. In addition, we had Dave Ballard who is an accomplished local climber of great renown. Then, there was Tony and I – and he is Mr. Power 90. I felt small. I was star struck and nervous. As we waited for our early box, we saw Rob chatting with Chris Davenport and Rick Armstrong, ski stars in their own right. At this point, I was really just hoping not to embarrass myself completely.

At the top, Rob led us to the Alta chutes. We were the first there and as we arrived, chivalrous Rob held an imaginary door open for Kit, who is five months pregnant. She slayed the untouched smooth canvas, and we all followed her into the glorious chute, hooting and hollering the whole way. The general population had not yet made it to the top so we advanced our fast moving group to the Hobacks. Like a scene out of a ski porn flick, we charged down the hill at a fast clip. On either side or just in front of me were the pros skiing the same powder on the same glorious day as my buddy and me. The pace was high and there were no stops. 4,000 vertical feet of non-stop fun. At the bottom, I felt that I would babble like a fool, instead I breathed just one word through the widest smile I’ve ever had – WOW!

By using Steve’s jacket to load the tram without waiting we were able to string together an impressive number of runs - all of them top to bottom charges. I soon became exhausted after a full week of bell to bell days. However, any lethargy was removed by yet another collision. As already indicated, our group moved really fast at all times on the hill. On the narrow cat track to the Hobacks, a group of snowboarders had pulled off to the side, waiting to drop in. Tony came through at 30 mph in a perfect tucked glide when suddenly one of the kids cut across his path without looking. The snowboarder actually cut straight across Tony’s skis, pinning them to the ground and causing an instant double heel eject. Unfortunately, Newtonian physics prevailed and Tony continued at his given speed, flying through the air, coming to rest only after a terrific crash some 20 feet from ground zero. In what could have been a great promotion for P90X, Tony popped up without injury, much to the astonishment of every witness. Fortunately, he didn’t collide with the snowboarder who seconds earlier had been moving across his skis less than 2 feet away from him. The body to body collision would have been horrifying.

When riding the lift with Rob, I was impressed that he was nearly as giddy as me. It was revealing that this man who has skied all over the world for his entire adult life could still get the type of buzz I had right now. I used to worry that someday, if I ever mastered this skiing thing, I might lose the love I have for the addiction. However, on this day I realized that if Rob, who has nothing left to prove to anyone, hasn’t lost the love, I won’t either. I also learned something from him. It wasn’t about hip angulation or ankle flexion; it was about life. He shared the realization that in his business there were a few things he could control to gain a certain outcome, but that there were many other things that he couldn’t control. Rather than battle these elements directly, I got the impression that he used his time in the mountains as a respite to renew the spirit and to let the things he couldn’t control sort themselves out. I instantly realized the brilliance of this idea, and though I never expressed it this way, I think he is right. I think back on all the times I have faced seemingly intractable problems with work or life and found that after I cleared my head by doing the thing I love most, the problems have mostly solved themselves. Maybe it is all about the karma after all. Maybe skiing is about more than sport or mere physical activity. Perhaps it’s about spiritual renewal and healing. After all, the thing has a definite mysticism about it. From the miracle of a good productive storm to the unpredictability of the weather, to the perfect combination of calm and focus required to do it well. Maybe at the highest levels, when experiencing the perfect ski day, the world itself is healed just a little bit. I know that after this day, it felt that way to me.



Thursday, February 19, 2009

P90X Better Than Steroids? by Steve Edwards

The X is gettin' some serious love lately. My dad calls the other night and says he watching a show in the Giants and two pitchers, Zito and Wilson, are doing 90X. Tony calls me the other day to get my opinion on something because NBC is coming over to film a segment on Wii and wants the X perspective. He calls me again, a couple of days later from a plane on his way to do more X interviews and says, "Dude, you see the Grammys last night?" I hadn't but Cheryl Crow gave us a huge shout out from the red carpet.
Then, yesterday, I get this from Tony:
On WFAN, (biggest sports radio station in NYC) the host was talking this morning about A-Rod and said something to the effect of "his body was never that chiseled, not like he had a P90X body or anything".

This, for those of you not privy to the national news, is a reaction to Alex Rodriguez admitting that he'd been doing steroids. In reality, steroids don't make muscle, they just increase your body's ability to build muscle. But in a world where we see advertisements to "build muscle without steroids" as if the public thinks it's impossible, it's nice to get a little validity for our system. Anyone can have an X body. All it takes is a little structure and a lot of hard work.

Note: Jon Congdon (our President) sent this and I think it's a nice addition:

Everything you see about P90X that might appear to be PR is "organic" -- meaning that we don't pay for PR, and don't hire celebrities or athletes to do it, or talk about it. It's advertised on TV, in magazines sometimes, and more and more on the Internet, but we don't do PR. If Cheryl Crow, or Usher, or an MLB, NHL or NFL athlete buy it, they buy it just like everyone else and either because they saw the infomercial or a friend told them. That's what's so amazing about the P90X phenomenon of late.

Sunday, February 15, 2009

One On One Interview with Carol Bardelli

If you ever watch late night TV, then most likely you’ve seen one of Tony Horton’s infomercials featuring his fitness systems and products. The following article is an interview with Tony Horton by Carol Bardelli who has achieved great success with Tony’s fitness programs. Carol proves that you can be past fifty, be extremly fit, and enjoy a very active lifestyle.

Interview with Tony Horton
Carol Bardelli: Hi Tony, I’m excited to get this opportunity to talk to you.

Tony, I’ve used all of your exercise videos, starting with Great Body Guaranteed. Now I’m using Power 90X Plus and Tony Horton One On One. I couldn’t help but notice you can motivate people, including myself, like no one else. An example is the portion of Power 90X Legs & Back in which we do wall squats. I’ve got my back to the wall, my legs are burning, there’s about thirty seconds left. And you’ve got me and the gang laughing out loud. What’s your take on you’re motivational skills, combined with your personable demeanor and sense of humor?

Having Fun While Working Out

Tony Horton: I discovered a long time ago that the best way to get through the physical pain and agony of any workout is to have some fun along the way. Exercise is hard enough and to turn it into rocket science or make it so serious that it feels like torture, will certainly result in failure. I’m trying to help people look at fitness and exercise in a completely new way. My goofy, light-hearted approach makes the physical intensity of exercise slightly more palatable.

My coaches growing up cared more about winning and losing than the players on their teams. I was miserable during fitness tests and drills and there was never a sense that modifying an exercise was okay. I want everyone to play and I want everyone to succeed. I’m constantly looking for practical techniques that keep people in the game. If you’re busting a gut during a wall squat, then I’m doing my job.

Carol: Your programs are revolutionary, not because of their separate components like resistance training, aerobics, stretching, yoga, karate, plyometrics, and core. The unique way you blend them seems key to the amazing results people are able to achieve in a short period of time. What inspired you to design fitness programs that integrate all aspects of exercise?

Three Downfalls of Most Fitness Routines

Tony: There are three things that cause people to lose faith in their fitness routines. Boredom, injuries and plateaus. When you repeat the same movements over and over again, one of these three will take you down. After 25 years in the fitness business I’ve seen hundreds of people get hurt, lose interest and stop seeing results because of lack of variety in their routines. Concepts/techniques like Sectional Progression with Power 90, Muscle Confusion with P90X and now Super Stacking with my new 10 Minute Trainer program are all designed to avoid boredom, injuries and plateaus.

Running is great but it’s just one thing. Yoga is the Fountain of Youth in my opinion but it certainly doesn’t improve your Plyometric strength. If you want a well rounded level of fitness and you want to continue to see results over a long period of time then variety is certainly the spice of health and fitness.

Fitness Programs for Everyone

Carol: With exercise systems like Power 90, Power Half Hour, Tony and the Kids!, Tony and the Folks!, Power 90X, 10 Minute Trainer, Tony Horton One On One, and Power 90X Plus, you literally offer something for everyone. Power 90X, P90X Plus, and Tony Horton One On One, are designed for folks looking to take their physiques to the next level. I can attest to the challenging nature of these workouts, as well as the intensity. Even after years of aerobics and weightlifting, I found myself almost crawling to the shower after my P90X workouts. But, man, did I ever see results. You’re personally responsible for me finally developing triceps definition. I finally have horseshoes. And now I’m addicted to your extreme workouts.

Do you see a wider audience opening up to your style of extreme workouts? And do you plan new projects along these lines?

At Home Fitness Boot Camp Training Success

Tony: First of all, congratulations on those triceps and thank you for your commitment to the program. If you had asked me this question a year ago my answer would have been different than today. P90X was intended for gym rats and people tired of spending money on expensive trainers and not getting results. A finite number of people in a niche market. We would have been happy if just these folks realized that you can get better results in your living room. Turns out our little niche in-home boot camp idea had legs. P90X has become a phenomenon. Everybody is doing it. Even folks who probably need Power 90 or some other milder workout program first.

The amazing thing is that people (on their own) are approaching the program with common sense. If there’s a move or exercise that’s out of their comfort zone, they skip it (for now) or modify it in some way. People are listening to what their body can do during these workouts and understanding that trying to keep up for the sake of keeping up is counterproductive. They’re doing their best and forgetting the rest.

Carol: On a more personal note, I have mild Cerebral Palsy. This has never stopped me from doing anything including driving, horseback riding, and of course, Power 90X. I also discovered that pull ups on the program relieved my shoulder tendinitis, while plyo and yoga has improved my balance. Did you think people with physical challenges would use your systems, and that it could be used for rehabilitation?

Overcoming the Challenges of Getting Fit

Tony: You are living proof that a positive attitude is a huge piece to the success puzzle regardless of your situation. My nephew Andrew has a more than mild case of Cerebral Palsy and I’ve introduced him to all kinds of fitness routines that might have been considered too difficult for a guy with his genetic birth defect. He has a trainer, works out at the gym and goes to yoga twice a week.

The fact is, we all have different starting points in life. The real measure of a person is determined by how hard they’re willing to work to overcome and deal with the hand they’re dealt. I was the quintessential 98-pound weakling with a speech impediment, afraid of his own shadow, who got beat up at the bus stop by the local bully. That was my starting point. My challenge was great and long but worth it in the end.

I’m not a physical therapist so it’s not my place to say that it’s okay for someone with severe physical challenges to jump into P90X, but I will go out on a limb and say that if you have the will, there is a way for anyone and everyone to benefit from a fitness program that challenges them.

Carol: Tony, thanks again for this opportunity to interview you. And I’ll see you tomorrow for a workout when I slip one of my Tony Horton DVDs into my player.

Friday, February 13, 2009

A Ski Trip to Alta & Snowbird by John Nicolich

Interlodge. It’s a word unfamiliar to most but to those who know, it holds a special, mythic meaning. It could mean the best powder day ever, with access limited to those few souls lucky enough to be holed up on the hill while all others are strayed in the valley below. I arrived in Utah to snow flakes the size of saucers falling in a density that blotted out the sky. Ross and I shuttled up Little Cottonwood Canyon together with the anticipation of a huge day, maybe a huge week. We also learned that interlodge would be in effect at midnight. The road would be closed for the night and the snow would continue to fall. The ride up seemed to take forever. In a neurotic sort of way, I felt that everything would be all right, if we could just make it up this hill. Car wrecks to the left and right, snow inches thick on the roadway, a slightly deranged driver – any of these things could harsh on my dream. Finally, we pulled into the Peruvian parking lot. Not breath of breeze, just a steady unyielding stream of fluff. Utah snow – the greatest snow on earth.

We woke to a morning like no other. The snow was deep everywhere, the sky was starting to clear, and the parking lot was empty. The road was open, but the going was slow. There was no line as we skated across the parking lot to the lift. Ross, Tony, Steve and I made our way up the Collins lift brimming with anticipation. In seconds the game was on. Knee deep blower POW greeted us as we made our way to the Sugarloaf lift. In an instant we had lost Ross and it was clear that the powder rule was in full effect. After a few glorious laps we made our way over to the Supreme Lift. Truth be told we have never had much luck at this lift for one reason or another. Today, we knew it would be different. Our mouths watered as we scoped lines that were as yet untouched. We could have some serious fun back here! We raced off the lift only to find the entire zone closed off. Stymied yet again by this cursed lift. (To make things worse, the ropes dropped shortly after we left and the reports on the skiing were remarkable.)

We made our way to the front side and to Wildcat – our Old Faithful stash. Unbelievably, we were able to track line after line in the deep, with virtually no company. We went in for lunch and met an upbeat and forgiving Ross. We also witnessed the arrival of Stan. In true Stanley fashion he told of an all night work session, last minute changing of flights, frenzied packing, and a blackberry full of emails. He would join us later. We went back out and furthered an epic day that none of us would soon forget. Day One was done.

Our number was growing. Paul and Theone would join us on the shuttle to Snowbird to meet Dale. The day was cold and clear. We could see the spindrift at the tops of the peaks and the day was absolutely gorgeous. We loaded the Tram and at the top found conditions reminiscent of a deadly Mt Everest expedition. The cruel wind howled and seemed to swirl everywhere. The surface was beaten to a sheet of hardpacked ice that made navigation tricky. The sound of the shrieking wind disoriented me as we tried to escape the wrath of the bitter cold. I dove over the side to Mineral Basin to try to escape the insane conditions on top, but found an unforgiving blow coming straight up the hill. The snow was slabbed over but soft. Tony plunged ahead skiing with perfect grace in the tricky snow. Stan also went ahead, and Steve was right behind me. Suddenly, I fell through the crust and tumbled headfirst into the freezing snow. I dropped a ski, and Steve stopped and retrieved it for me. It’s a good thing too because the snow was so deep, I was making no progress on my own as the wind continued to howl. I found that I wasn’t the only one in difficulty – there was carnage everywhere on this side of the hill.

At the Mineral Basin chair, someone pointed to Tony and said "Dude, you have frost bite." Sure enough his nose was bright white and we got a harsh reminder of the extreme conditions. We headed back up to the top and tried the (skiers) left side of the basin instead of the right and found the snow much better. Now it was safe to rip. Not wanting to spend any time in the fierce wind at the top we each picked our own lines and met at the bottom. At least some of us did. The powder rule was especially cruel on this day as our large group splintered to bits. Nonetheless there were cases of true heroism, as Stan (the Man) Pennington waited at the top, in the sub zero bluster, for Steve to tinkle. The US Marines have nothing on Stan Penn who would leave no man behind.

In all the excitement we realized that we had not heard from Dale. We went in for lunch and found him there, stoic but not angry. After a quick lunch, we went out for some more fun. We ripped through the Cirque and late in the day, went all the way across the back side to a glorious stash. This area is at the far end of a rocky, undulating traverse and has no name. The entry was tricky – steep, tight, and rock strewn. Dale and Steve had to catch some mandatory air before dropping into the knee deep powder. From there, we ripped a circuitous route through the trees, around the rocks and over the rollers. It was like an amusement ride. Hearing Dale behind me laughing and hooting the whole way was inspiring. I caught myself laughing like a little kid. We kept going until last chair, finally making our way to Dale’s car for a ride back to the hotel. Day Two in the books. That night we dined with Ann and Bob, fresh off the Power 90 program. They both looked great, fit and trim. Tony helped Ann out by eating most of her berries at dessert! We also met a new friend, pro skier Kasha Rigby.

It snowed again overnight but with a huge wind that threatened to shut down the lifts. That morning the mood was subdued, mostly from sheer exhaustion. Two killer days of skiing bell to bell had sapped our strength. No one was in a hurry to brave the elements yet again. After a slightly late start, we found that the snow was soft, if not deep. Better yet, no one was on the hill; we had the place to ourselves. We racked numerous runs on Wildcat and in spots found the snow had blown in knee deep. Better still, the wind seemed to fill in our own tracks, making each run as excellent as the previous one. We met with Kasha and decided to brave the high traverse to get to our favorite goods – Rustler trees.

The traverse was sketchy to be sure; it was a near complete white out on the exposed hillside. To make matters more interesting, the surface was rife with icy sections and hard protuberances that threatened our health and well being. Yet the reward at the end of the road was simply glorious. We picked our way through untouched lines as if we owned the place. Run after run we found untracked blown in snow on steep terrain, with lines that seemed to last forever. Lap after lap, we braved the dangerous traverse for the right to wallow in the pure heaven we found in those trees. This day was certainly the diamond in the rough; we had no right to have this much fun. Life lesson: Don’t ever judge a day by first light, and good things come to those willing to pursue.

The smiles at dinner were wide. Our large group had a ball, recounting the day, telling old stories, remembering days gone by. This group is special and the company is superb. I think we all truly value these sessions, maybe more than the skiing.

Day Four opened with a beautiful glorious morning. The previous day’s wind had kept Snowbird pristine; the tram and Mineral Basin had both been closed while we shredded Alta. We had a good size group with Dale, Paul and Theone and kept it together pretty well. The powder rule was overruled. A few runs in the sunshine on the front side made for a lot of happiness. Then we went through the tunnel and found Mineral Basin had just opened.

The sight was one to behold. The bright morning light illuminated an enormous untouched canvas of snow, as far as the eye could see. The vision was inspiring and grand. I sat there pondering a moment and recognized something out of the corner of my eye. It was Horton, poaching my line! The powder rule was re-sustained. Game on.

The snow was a gorgeous light powder that flew off my skis effortlessly like dust in a windstorm. I ripped huge, wide turns at mach speed. There was no thought of conserving the canvas with tighter turns. There was no thought of anything but the freedom of movement, gracefully arcing from one side to the other. Near the bottom, I picked a tight chute and shredded it with no effort as the soft snow yielded to my will. My line was truly artistic, with some huge high speed turns, some air, and some tight no nonsense skiing. However, our once unified group was now splintered, as we rushed to load the chair before the oncoming hordes. Unfortunately, someone had let the word out and every unclean shredder and his brother showed up to despoil our nirvana. Within an hour the goods had been pilfered by these pagan infidels. Ultimately, we waited on horrendous lines until we realized that everyone was now leaving the area. We took a few more runs without the crowds before moving on. I’ll not soon forget the bounty in that back basin; it was truly outstanding.

We moved on to the Cirque, then to the back side. We met up with Sweet Jane; always fun times with her. Late in the day, Dale and I blazed another trail through the steep and treed section from the previous Snowbird day, and we hooted and hollered the whole way. I couldn’t stop laughing as we picked our way through crazy tight spaces with crazy deep snow. How much money is a moment like this worth?

Again we rode until last chair and by now I was exhausted. Unfortunately, we were stuck in Snowbird with no way back to the Peruvian. After watching bus after bus leave us behind, we bribed a Snowbird driver to take us back home.

Our group would be splitting up soon and heading back into the real world. One last day of spring skiing awaited us. However, there would be one more surprise before that. Those pants. Those fancy white pants. I had been envious of Tony’s new pants since I first saw them. I had shopped for them but was unwilling to treat myself. The bright white color perfectly matched my showy red jacket (contrasting horribly with my green envy). On this last night together, my buddy treated me to something I would not get for myself. He gave me those pants; I put them on and felt the groove. I felt complete. Big thanks to Tony.

Day Five was another beauty. Paul and Dale were gone now. I missed our big group. This bright sunny day would have been great for the whole group with no powder rule pressure. We went back to our Rustler haunts and found some good snow to play in. Theone, suffering from tuberculosis and insomnia all week, was a Shred Betty, killing every line. After lunch Steve had to leave. My shuttle was at 245. I was on the Sugarloaf lift at 215. We raced to the front side, and grabbed one last line down Baldy face. But now it was time to go, and I blasted. I pulled into the Peruvian just before 230 and began a frenzied packing session. I wound up stripping to my skives in the lobby, much to the amusement of the few witnessing guests. I zipped up my last bag at 245, and loaded up with a huge smile still on my face.

The transition to reality is always difficult after a fanciful journey like this. The complicated troubles of the world seem so distant when I’m ripping with my friends in a foreign land. It always takes a few days to decompress, and in this case to rest. It was a long, terrific trip that seemed to pass all too quickly. Good luck picking your favorite day or favorite memory on this one. The sum experience is the true treasure. I can’t wait to do it again.

See You in Jackson!

Tuesday, February 03, 2009

Why Are You Here?

This, boys and girls, is the $64,000 dollar question. As you might know, I'm in the health and fitness game, but fifteen years ago, training folks, was sort of a "side" gig. I spent most of my time running around Hollywood auditioning for 3rd rate movies, Miller Lite commercials, and student films.

At a young age, I thought my purpose and reason for being on earth, was to entertain. I did some stand up comedy. Fun at first, but just hell toward the end. I had small roles in bad movies and bit parts in large, bad movies. I even got the occasional modeling gig. Posing? Was this the reason why I'm here? Truth be told, I was pretty unhappy most of the time while chasing my dream as an actor. It was crazy competitive and not very fulfilling. Exercise and fitness was a part time job in those days. I made a decent living training people, but it didn't seem like a lifelong career to me at the time. I wanted to be a movie star! Turned out, Brad Pitt I'm not. More like Don Knotts.

Along the way, I picked up Keith Elles's book, "The Magic Lamp." This book was a guide that helped me figure out what I was supposed to be when I grew up. After reading it and doing the lessons, I discovered that helping and working with people brought more satisfaction then acting in hemorrhoid cream commercials. I was put on this earth to teach. All those acting classes and 2 AM comedy spots in front of 3 people, were early training to help me deliver my message. I am extraordinarily fortunate to have made this shift to my present career. I eat, live and breathe my purpose every day. I feel very lucky to have been given this gift. It is such a satisfying feeling waking up every day knowing why I am here.

I believe that a majority of the people who suffer from poor health, sadness, depression, obesity and lack of fitness, do so because they don't know the real reason why they're here on this Earth. They have jobs, families and make money. Most have a warm bed and the creature comforts of a modern lifestyle. Is that enough? Is it filling the void? Is it everything you hoped and dreamed for as a kid?

Sure, you have your mini-moments of hope and bliss..a good night's sleep, a fun party, one of your kids scores a goal at the soccer game, a nice glass of Cabernet with your Italian dinner. A lot of people, most people, can link these little happy moments together for a lifetime and pretend that everything is just fine. The truth is their job doesn't fulfill them and the little victories are just Band-Aids. But this is life, right? W R O N G !

Is your job the reason why you are here? Is your family the reason why you are here? Is your glass of Cabernet during dinner why you are here? Maybe. For some the answer is yes. For many others the answer is a big fat NO. If the answer is NO, then whatcha gonna do about it? Read a book, go to a seminar, volunteer at a local shelter or school? What?

Here's a great example:

A man has a job and this job pays the bills, feeds the family and keeps a roof over everyone's head. But this job is not why he's here. He loves his family but it's not the sole reason why he's here either. This man loves riding his bike. He loves everything about bikes. The gears, the tires, the frames, the brakes. He loves tinkering with bikes. His "regular" job is just a job. He's purposeless. Someone close to him suggests that he apply for part time work at a local bike shop. At first, this means less time with his family, which is tough at first, but he wants to be a happy dad, so he takes the job working just a few hours a week. Five years later, he owns the bike shop. He took the risk and discovered his real purpose.

Have you ever been bored? If the answer is Yes, there is a chance, a likelihood, a possibility that you have not yet figured out why you are here. When you have found your purpose, you have discovered why you're here. It's hard to be bored when you're out in the world doin your thang! Your reason-for-being makes you happy. You want and need to do your thing often. When you are doing your thing, you are not overeating, you're not watching tons of TV, you're not prone to addictive behavior and it's very hard to be sad, depressed, anxious, overwhelmed and unhappy when you are doing your thing baby!

What is your thing? Will Keith Elles's book help you find it? Maybe. It helped me, but it wasn't the only source. Opening doors and staying curious helps too. Woody Allen said (he denies this, but we give him credit anyway) "80% of life is showing up" Most people are afraid to show up. New things scare people. Hard, complicated (at first) things can be frightening. Not looking good while doing something new, upsets people. I say so what, who cares and big deal to all that noise in your head. If you show up, you might discover why you are here. And after you've shown up use the other 20% to pay attention while you're there.

I know this little ramble is a touch esoteric, but I'm just here to help you figure out what's important in your life. It's a remarkably short trip. Won't it be sad if you never learn what truly makes you happy? Get out of your funk and discover what makes you click! Sometimes it's as simple as finding a hobby. Your hobby can become your life, your purpose, your reason for being here.

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Success Story ~ Susan Lucy

My name is Susan Lucy and I am a 41 year old stay-at-home mother of 3 children, ages 10, 8, and 6. I have been married for 13 years and live in a suburb outside of Boston, Massachusetts. This is my story.

For the better part of my adult life I have obsessed about my body image. I grew up active and never had to watch what I ate. When I went to college, I gained the freshman 15 (which was more like 25) and spent the next 5 years punishing myself horribly about how I looked. I became bulimic and spent most of my waking hours thinking about what I ate, should eat, making myself sick or exercising like crazy. I truly hated myself. I tried every diet and gimmick in the book and got more depressed each time I failed. I wasted so much time obsessing during those years. Time I should have spent enjoying my 20's and living life. Time I can't get back. When you're 41, that time seems so much more precious.
After college, I began a career and was able to stop my eating disorder thanks to some wonderful support. I exercised regularly but was a "cardio queen”, I lost most of the weight I had put on in college but I still obsessed about how I looked for many years to come – through getting married, having 3 kids in 3 years (talk about body image issues) and leaving my career to stay home with my children.

After my youngest child was born in 2002, I got more serious about getting fit, again by doing mostly cardio and not much weight training. I worked out consistently, mostly to compensate for my bad eating habits. I still had many issues with food and I would get so angry with myself for “going off my diet” or eating “forbidden foods”.

In 2004, my husband got me a gift of personal training for Christmas. While I was working with the trainer, I did awesome. I gained some upper body strength, which is what I had wanted for a long time. Around the same time, I also got my certification to be a spinning instructor and started teaching at a local gym. I ultimately had to stop the personal training because of the financial burden. Once again, I found it difficult to continue with my program. I no longer had a plan and so I would usually go back to my comfort zone and just do cardio.

Last summer, I was sitting up one night and saw the infomercial for P90X. I was very intrigued but very reluctant to buy it. First of all, I never was successful working out at home. I am a hardcore gym rat. Second of all, I had purchased so many gimmicks and gadgets in the past, I didn’t want to be let down again. If it said, “as seen on TV”, I owned it. But the next time I saw the infomercial, something grabbed my attention. There didn’t seem to be any gimmicks just hard work and some discipline. I still didn’t purchase it. Could I do this for 90 days? Would I fail again? What ultimately convinced me to buy it was, I wanted to get some upper body strength and this seemed simple – push-ups and pull-ups were core exercises. Little did I know how humbling it would be to try to do a pull-up? Frankly, I never really thought about the nutrition aspect of the program but soon realized how important good nutrition was to be successful on this program. When I got my P90X, I was very overwhelmed. It seemed so “extreme”. I didn’t even want to take my measurements initially, but I did, because I think part of me was convinced I was going to fail again. I had my daughter take Day 1 pictures and I started on September 1, 2007.

I thought I was in pretty good shape before I started but I got my butt kicked pretty badly that first week. I did great with the cardio as a result of my spinning, but the weight training, primarily the push-ups and pull-ups were so hard. I couldn’t even do one pull-up. I kept thinking “What have I gotten myself into? I can’t do this”. On the DVD, you kept mentioning the MBB community and the message boards so one night I checked them out. I had never heard of a thread, or posted anything on the internet. I lurked for many days, so intrigued how people could share all this personal stuff about themselves to complete strangers. The funny thing is, they did not seem like strangers to one another. They were helping with nutrition and workouts and well, with just about everything. One day I posted and I never stopped. I can say with absolute certainty, that I would not have made it through the 90 days had it not been for the message boards.

It was around day 45 that it all clicked for me. I felt myself getting stronger and instead of obsessing about what food I had put in my body, I was thinking "What do I need to consume to fuel my body for my next workout?" I was stronger but not just on the outside. I had more confidence and felt better because my eating was cleaner. I had hated myself for so many years; it was refreshing to be proud of my efforts. I even posted my progress pictures on the message boards. I would have never had done that in the past. People in my spin classes started telling me that my classes were better than they had ever been.

P90X has taught me how to work out properly and efficiently. Every day when I get up, I have a plan on what I am going to do. I do most of my weight workouts at home but I am at the gym a lot for my classes so I also weight train there. I even have a nutrition plan that I follow, most of the time. Because of my past, I will always struggle with eating issues, but they don’t control me any longer. If I do eat something unclean, I am learning to let it go, get up the next day and move on. I am a totally changed person. Mentally, I am more confident and physically I am stronger than I could ever imagine. One year later, I am still using P90X as my primary workout, although I have integrated TMT and ChaLean Extreme as well. My spinning instructing is better than ever; and I am a better parent and spouse because I am now happy with the person I am.

I am constantly asked how I achieved my results. Because I work in a gym, people expect me to say that I spent all this money on a trainer etc. When I tell them it's from a set of DVD's I bought from an informercial, well most of them are speechless.

I have two daughters, one of which is entering puberty soon. I hope they never have to go through the struggles with weight and body image I did as a young adult. It is truly self-destructing. Society puts so much pressure on girls to look a certain way and I want my daughters to be confident, fit young women. I am doing my best to be a good role model for them, and my son. They know how important fitness and healthy eating is in my life. If they take and use that knowledge as they grow up, and become fit confident young adults, then I will be even more of a success story.

I recently became a coach and hope to be able to help others with their fitness goals as others here at BB have helped me. Thank you Tony and Beachbody for helping me change my life!

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

The Abundance Diet

Missy Costello prepares food for me every week. She is the reason why I'm healthier than ever. She makes it, I eat it. Whole fresh foods prepared right in my kitchen. This gal knows her stuff. This is a piece she wrote for her blog and I'm passing it along to you.

Enjoy the Knowledge!

If you are a living, breathing human being, then chances are you’ve been on a diet once, twice or maybe multiple times in your life. The word diet, as described in Webster’s dictionary means; “fare; what is eaten or drunk habitually”. If you think about it, this means any food that we eat on a daily basis. So, according to Webster, we are on a diet every day of our life, just by eating habitually. Unfortunately in today’s times, the word diet has been described as a way to lose weight. It almost has a negative connotation to it. When most people hear the word diet, they think “lack, or deprivation”, which is usually true. But

Human beings are as different from one another as any snowflake that falls from the sky. There are no two of us alike, anywhere in the world. We all have our own distinct genetic make up, we differ in the way our body burns calories, absorbs nutrients and so on. Most of these diets are based on some sort of deprivation and are very unbalanced. The abundance diet is just the opposite.

If you want to lose excess pounds, maintain a healthy and fit body weight, burn calories, feel good inside and out and keep away disease and illness, then you will need to adapt a whole foods eating lifestyle. Or as I like to call it, the Abundance Diet! A whole food eating lifestyle is a way of eating where you do not deprive yourself. This way of eating allows you to have an abundance of whole foods; veggies, leafy greens, fruits, whole grains, legumes, nuts, seeds, lean proteins and healthy fats. You can eat as much as you want, as long as you are eating a whole foods diet, without gaining weight. You will actually even drop weight.

Of course, as with any change in your eating habits, you will want to take baby steps, so that you do not set yourself up for failure. Below are some simple steps you can take to help change your eating habits for lasting results.

1. Adapt the 80/20 Rule: Eat a whole foods healthy diet 80% of the time and allow yourself to splurge the other 20% of the time. This allows the mind to believe that it is not deprived. Sounds pretty abundant to me!

2. Upgrade one food per week: switch out white rice for brown rice, white flour for whole grain flour, white sugar for natural sweeteners such as honey or brown rice syrup.

3. Cut out one processed food/drink per week: give up your twinkies, this week, and see how you feel. Cut out your diet soda…just for a week. YOU CAN decide after one week if you want to continue to drink this over processed, chemical ridden beverage or if you want to be committed to your health. (for more on the effects of artificial sweeteners visit

4. Add one new whole food per week: if you’ve never had kale before, give it a try. Eat something you’ve never thought of eating. Having trouble knowing how to prepare it? Just email me or go online for tasty recipes at

5. Have a piece of fruit and a handful of nuts for a snack instead of those greasy, salty chips. The fiber in fruit, and the protein & fat in the nuts will help to keep you feeling full longer and will regulate your blood sugar.

6. Drink plenty of water: forego that afternoon soda and have water instead. . Drinking plenty of water keeps our appetite at bay and our body well hydrated. Sometimes we may mistake thirst for hunger. Drink an 8-oz glass of water and see how you feel after 15 minutes.

7. Cut back on caffeine: if you drink coffee, try cutting back by drinking half decaf with half regular. Or switch to heart healthy green tea! But remember, for every cup of caffeine you drink, you will need to drink extra water to hydrate!

These are just a few ideas for ways you can begin to eat healthy and abundantly. Once you start to make changes and adapt this healthy whole foods lifestyle, your cravings will subside and your body will no longer want the junk food. This will result in a natural weight loss, clearer skin, better digestion, less mood swings and so on. The list of benefits is endless.

Remember, allow yourself that 20% cushion so that you wont’ binge. Reward yourself with a treat after dinner, or an afternoon snack. Also be mindful that the healthier you eat, the healthier you will be, feel & look. We all know that old adage, “you are what you eat”. So adopt this as your new Mantra because it is the biggest truth that has ever been told!!!”

For a complete list of whole foods in the Abundance “Diet’, contact Missy at or visit her web site at

Saturday, January 03, 2009

You Are Going To Die!

The title of this blog is much more than a means to grab your attention. With the start of a new year it's typical for many people to establish new disciplines (temporarily), but the new year is also a reminder that time is flying at light speed, literally. With every passing nanosecond we all get a little closer to death. You know, that thing that happens to everyone. Your final day on earth, rigermortous sets in, the end. It seems to me that quite a lot of people meander through life as if death isn't coming. We act as if we have all the time in the world. We wait, hesitate, procrastinate and blow-off life altering opportunities all the time. Our goals, ideas and aspirations are put on hold for some ideal moment in the distant future. We dillydally and waist our precious time on a mishmash of nonsensical meaningless crap that consumes years of our lives. Why and for what? Most often it's because we're scared. Scared to live at our full potential. Why take the risk when you think we're going to live forever? I'm here to tell you that your life on this earth is precious and shorter than you think. Turning 50 this year proved that to me. I swear it feels like I was in high school ten minutes ago. Turns out that was over 30 years ago! As we get older change can become more daunting with every passing day. You don't have to be at midlife for this to be true. Teenagers get just as stuck as people in their 50s and 60s. I've seen people give up and thrown in the towel at all ages. We've all been an eyewitness to the tragedies of misguided lives. The hope and optimism of childhood gives way to despair and disappointment with one bad experience after another. It's the saddest thing in the world. Maybe you know what I'm talking about.

Is there hope for the fallen? Can we turn it around after years of wasting time, procrastinating, plenty of hardship and waiting for the right moment that never comes? Hell yes! The good news is that you can have the life you dreamed of as a kid without meds and therapy. Step one is moving. Turns out that it doesn't really matter how you move. What matters is that you do. Step two involves eating healthy food. Whole food that feeds the body, spirit and especially the mind. The garbage this country eats most of the time is killing us. Junk food and fast food (AKA food porn) does NOT fuel our desire to grow, learn and change. It keeps us in a state of flux and despair. If you have problems, procrastinate and feel stuck in general, odds are you're overweight, out of shape and eat junk. The deck is stacked against you if you're overweight and out of shape. Your brain can't function to solve problems properly if your feeding your mouth tons of sugar and grease. If you like a life of quite desperation then continue to spend endless hours sitting and laying around. If procrastination, sadness, depression, low self esteem and a state of malaise fits your lifestyle then continue to eat candy, cupcakes, high fructose corn syrup, fried food, saturated fats, soda pop, processed carbs, hot dogs and tons of cheese on your pepperoni pizza. Nobody gets away with making lame choices in this world. Sooner or later (turns out later comes sooner than you thought) your bad behavior will ruin your life.

Good behavior can and will save your life. Good behavior will give you the opportunity to turn misery into joy and happiness. In the end it's joy and happiness we seek. Authentic joy and happiness comes from treating ourselves and others with respect and civility. Adult toys (cars, homes, jewelry, etc), prestige, money and looks are usually a means to short term pleasures. These things feed the ego. The ego isn't real. It's your desire to create a false you to present to the world. Nothing but smoke and mirrors to make you feel better than someone else. Yuck! What is good behavior? You know exactly what it is by now. It's a matter of whether you want to practice it consistently or not. The more disciplined you are the less problems you'll have. Honestly! For real! Life will still come at you at a million miles an hour and the issues in your life will still exist, but when you exercise and eat right you create the brain chemistry of a person who can deal with issues, problems and challenges productively and happily. Other variables like proper sleep and stress management skills play a roll as well, but the foundation of "the good life" comes from the two things that make you a joyous happy human being. Exercise and healthy food. Period. The clock is ticking and your death is inevitable, so while your here why not take the first steps toward a better life. Get off the fence, ask for help, start moving, eat your veggies, enjoy the journey, enjoy the power of right now, push play and experience the life you desire and deserve.